Random Thought Bubbles

Ramblings on of someone still finding the way

I just got back from dinner with my ex. It wasn't an awkward dinner where both parties would be trying to prevent from hurting each other's feelings by saying the wrong things. It was comfortable and no one was forced into being friendly. Everything's been resolved long ago, we're just friends and that's just excellent. It didn't even feel strange listening to him whine about his current girlfriend and his various business ventures that are giving him gigantic migraines. It was even nice to know that everything was going on fine for him besides the usual complaints. Why am I telling you this?

(aside from me getting a free Japanese dinner just now... haha :P I'm broke la. I was glad he didn't mind).

Isn't it interesting, how we're always able to adapt no matter how difficult the circumstances are? The ending with this ex wasn't pretty. And for a while things didn't seem like it would get better. One of those long drawn out things and being the softy I am things got even worse. Then finally one day, I just decided to rip it off quick like a band-aid. But by then, it didn't even hurt because I'd already left before I knew it. In any case, I find it extremely strange how I can actually carry out a normal conversation with him since when we first met we were never even friends first. Time reset everything... for me anyway. Only one thing I did wrong to erase myself... and that was overwriting a hurt by loving someone else. BIG NO NO. I've been doing that for as long as I know.

Everyday I'm reminding myself I'm not ready... because I'm still broken.