Random Thought Bubbles

Ramblings on of someone still finding the way

I had a small gathering thingy at my brother's place on my birthday at the beginning of this month. Things have been pretty laid-back and altogether procastinating behaviour inducing so I haven't actually blogged about it at all. Ling Wei posted some pictures on the mass birthday clubbing session at maison on kecohppl though that some pictures of us there. I'll miss clubbing with them... sigh... another thing to leave behind for the time being.

Just another themed party (punk rock this time) but because our group has slowly dwindled down ,it was relatively tame, although everyone seems to have taken to cam-whoring lately... which resulted in a whole lot of poser shots... hehe =)

Not too much in the mood of writing it up but it was a good birthday =)

All 3 jackets are mine =)

Queen Jebbo and AlcoMe

Ling Wei - The only one noticing I'm taking a picture

Punk Rock Baby!

No party is complete without some bottles and some cups and friends

When we finally got sick of mengada-ing

All the girls at the party (minus Jeb who came later)

Brandon Star

Semangat leh! Ling Wei, Bran and Racine painted their nails black to match the theme

And this is THE picture of the party - Elf Gowri (haha!)

The rest of the pictures are in my Flickr so click on over there for more =) Gosh, I'll miss all this when I'm over in Auckland...