Random Thought Bubbles

Ramblings on of someone still finding the way

Today I'm so bored I think I might be growing roots right where I'm sitting, right now. I'm so bored I've decided to start a blog when blogging is going out of style. But that's me, I refuse to be part of a fad... however, I'll gladly be part of a dying breed. Never believed in myself being consistent enough to continue anything I started, so here's hoping :)

It's been a while since I've gone out into the world with the sole intention of experiencing everything, breaking some rules, going somewhere I'm not supposed to be. It's also been a while since the fire of life burnt with a rage. I've grown mellow even before the grey fingers of age got to me.

What did I do today? I read 'The Hitch hiker's Guide to the Galaxy', I'm halfway through 'Animal Farm' and I just realized how ignorant I've become about politics. But politics never interested me anyway - too many lies, and too much telling people what they want to hear when what should be done is too difficult to voice. Besides the sudden realization that I am the equivalent of a literary idiot and I can no longer write the kind of poetry I used to, I think I've been beaten down by idling my time away on such pursuits as downloading wallpaper after wallpaper, anime that I'm not going to watch and watching so much TV I feel I'm more of a plant than anything. The quality of local tv leaves much to be desired. I don't mind, people should be outside anyway.

I'm hardly shouting, screaming or thrashing through life. I think I'm partly floundering, partly drowning, partly trying to figure out what put me there in the first place. And it's always nicer to have someone to flounder, partly drown and wonder about the intricacies of our existence with. But another day I'm left without such a companion, or with such companions as those that leave me wishing they'd just flounder away and drown, though only temporarily.

Time for a shower... let the falling water wash me off these thoughts