Random Thought Bubbles

Ramblings on of someone still finding the way

Hello everyone. Today I am pleased to announce that I have figured out how to put that blasted picture into my profile. I know this is no cause for big celebration but I am particularly happy with myself right now. I just came back from watching 'In Good Company', deciding that it was a good movie to watch since it's got Scarlett Johanssen in it and that guy from the 70s show is always good for a laugh. Didn't see/hear/read any reviews on it but hey, a focus feature produced film should be good for the RM10 I'm paying. But why do people still go to the movies when they can get a DVD for the same price? Why do I go? It's not as if I don't have a good enough computer and it's not that I value or appreciate the sound system in the cinema at all. The things we do for the sake of escaping the oily fingers of boredom.

I've quickly devoured 'Animal Farm' and the 'Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy'... onward to '1984'! I think authors shouldn't put dates to their books, no matter how good they are. It just gives room for critics to judge them ever so carelessly. Although I must say 1984 must've been a long way away when George Orwell wrote the book. I'm just about a third through the pages and already it's reminding me of 'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley. If anyone feels like reading a scary revolution, read either 1984 or Brave New World. Both are equally morbid in warning the reader of the dangers of evolving too quickly in technology. I still say I'm a literary idiot. Now I'm also ignorant in politics. I never could really define socialist, communist, totalist, and all those other words so ruthlessly used by politicians and economists and the general populous who pass opinions and impose their judgments on others.

I might be a sheep but I'm also a smart sheep.


U might probrably not see this anyway...but... i study some of this communism socialist right wing left wing stuff... *and those people who study it full time in uni?? lotsa em have no clue either...particularly bout what makes life good* so keep in mind what you have...cling to what's wonderful and let go of the bad...*sorry this is out of the topic...*