Hello people! It's been too long since the last time I posted.
So I've been bumming around in KL at my brother's expense and generally being a housewife and errand boy. Being is Vista does still give me a sense of home though... I mean it's been my home for about 3 years and everything about it is comfortable. Soon I shall be uprooted again and off to Auckland. I finally got my offer letter so now all I gotta do is get my visa done and get on that plane to the land where there's more sheep than people.
I should be going back to Brunei on the 3rd of Nov, after the much awaited silly meeting with someone from the university of Auckland on the 2nd. Hopefully all goes well.
I found a jacket that I really like in Zara. It's super kewl but I think it won't be enough to keep me warm. I look like a skinny white Kenny with the hood up. (the jacket's the puffy kind with metal clasps and a hood with furry trimmings)... but I suppose I could easily freeze in it's 100% nylon outershell, 100% polyester lining and filling and be a frozen iced marshmallow instead.
More when I actually feel like writing...
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