Random Thought Bubbles

Ramblings on of someone still finding the way

too many days have passed with me sitting in front of my computer incessantly trying to study while at the same time watching every new episode of every new season of every series imaginable. i think i've become a computer slug/forced bookworm. and the worst part is everything i read goes to naught but i remember what happens in the movies. that can't be good, right? oh my, oh me, oh what to do.

and man do i miss the kecohppl. the group just worked together. haha. ah well. haven't got a party together for such a long time. i miss my van wilder days. sometimes i think i only become sociable with a smather (or rather more) of wine in the bloodstream. lina knows what i'm talking about eh? =P

it's probably the extended period of sitting alone recluse in this room... still euthymic. just craving attention? don't really know. but i am surprised at how fast time flew by without me even noticing. the mess in my room is ever expanding again. hmmm. and i do feel like a robot doing the sleep, go lecture, eat, go lecture, home to study, eat, sleep routine.

these days i tend to just carry monologues on my blog instead of a proper conversation huh? yep, computer slug/bookworm. argh.

sleeeep, sleeeep... my bed calls to me. white sheets envelop me =P