Uf, haven't blogged in forever. Site hits have hit an all time low. this blogging business is falling off. nuffing very exciting to say. and since there's just been cryptic emo crap i won't go into that again. not much cryptic emo crap happening at the mo anyways. which is a very good thing. hamilton has been quite cold. my down duvet and egyptian sheets are keeping me warm and happy enough. surgery is keeping me busy. and i've been occupied. plus, my laptop's been on the fritz. refuses to let the driver for my wifi get installed. which means i can't go online wirelessly from my room. which means i'm online less. which means i don't go unnecessarily bothering myself with unnecessary concerns and communications. this going off the internet has been doing very positive things for my psyche.
just some pictures to catch up anyone who's still trying to look out for updates. they say more than words would anyway. i got a new camera... (well not new anymore) so i finally have pictures of my own to put up =P
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this be my mom, at KLIA while i'm waiting to get on my flight back to aucks
me and and the rents at the dessert shop
when i got back i cooked up the boys a nice dinner to celebrate me coming home. i made them dress up for dinner ;)
i made chicken with cashews and leek stove top stuffing. it doesn't look so good but it was yum. take my word for it
then we went up to auckland to go to khang hee, sui ling, stephanie and jen xin's housewarming. carrie was there too =)
i wore my fake eyelashes
food in hamilton is actually quite good. some others have said iguana's not good but i went with thomas and man keat and it was gewd. vanilla creme brulee is yummy
i'd like a kitchen like that at home
and then one of the weeks i went up to auckland and got a hair cut. toni&guy again. i think i'll be a fan of the franchise for a long time.
the stylist did a good job saving my dye job so that it'd look like i got it redyed with the cut.
then lina was in town. so we went out
we went to bungalow
it was surprisingly kinda empty. but we still had a good time
we also had a 'high fashion' party. but i think we had too much to drink. well, i had too much to drink. and out of all the photos we took, only this one came out acceptable >_<
i think the boys did better with the posing for pics
and then one week we went up to auckland to david's birthday too. a whole bunch of us went out for malaysian food.
class dinner. moi and tess =)
and i had to take a photo with bridget. because we both love shoes
the food was ok. but it was nice catching up with people :) and it's real boring just sitting around at home all the time.
yep, that's pretty much all i've been doing. and trying to be a useful trainee intern on the surgical team. the busy is good :)
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