Random Thought Bubbles

Ramblings on of someone still finding the way

i like the sound of shoesteps on dry leaves. i like the crunch. i like the sound of shoesteps on stony ground. i like that crunch too. i like the sound of shoesteps in the silence of cold wind. when my cheeks are blown pink and my lips taste like ice. and for a moment i forget my troubles and all i can hear are my footsteps, the crunches and the cold wind in my ears.

(my cheeks feel cold like those nights in the dark and those walks in the park)


the in-between times are when not much is noticed. much like the word mediocre. the middle ground grey that everyone forgets. but it's the in-between times that count for nuts, when it's make or break but no one seems to realize. that's when alot is untold or unseen. and in this world, untold or unseen is much the same as not having been said at all and not having been done at all and the actions run both ways. slowly we all learn to be self-promoters to survive in a world that doesn't care for true selflessness. but who am i to talk about selflessness... i'm a selfish crud myself. then doesn't that mean i'm a shameless self-promoter? but aren't we all... at least in the confines of our rooms.


haven't had another attack of migraine aura just yet. hope that's done and over with. i won't have time to make a dumb appointment to see the uni doctor next week and then turn up to see the uni doctor the day after. especially when it'd be a time when i'm supposed to be in hospital. i still find everything closing at around 5 extremely stupid and annoying.

general surgery run in auckland hospital starting on monday. i'm not really looking forward to that since everyone from imu in grafton who's been there hated it. ecks... city life makes everyone so jittery, irritable, fractious, angry, short-tempered, unfriendly, suspicious, competitive... yikezoids.


i dreamt of a motorcycle ride. flash of silver. laughter. voices. silence.


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