Random Thought Bubbles

Ramblings on of someone still finding the way

Aiya, since I haven't had anything funny or remotely interesting to say for such a long time... Here's a picture... I went to William's yesterday and got a haircut and Ricky dyed my hair ash blue... (another word of greyish blue really) it was supposed to be a sky blue but there wasn't enough time to bleach my hair till the appropriate shade of platinum blonde. It was, as always, a very satisfying experience nonetheless =) William enjoys making my hair asymmetrical and so I am yet again heavy on my right and light on my left. Haha! But this time there's no shaved portion and if I wanna even it out there's always a chance to have Milla Jovovich's (pronounced yo-vo-vitch) haircut in the MNG advertisements since the shorter side's more or less on the same lines anyway. Happy-fying indeed!

My teeth are getting more an more crooked!! And I have tried probably a million times to blog the rest of my shots side and back but blogger just doesn't wanna add anymore... so screw it la!

The theme this time around was their 'Raw' collection. The word 'raw' sounded awfully punk and shaved and distinctly stare inducing. I cringed slightly at the thought of it. It's supposed to be translucent, seamless cuts and erm... I can't remember the other words they used to describe it. Anyway, William said it was mostly 'commercial', which was good because it meant I wasn't sitting in his chair at the risk of becoming a punky collection cut. Hee hee! It was amusing how Ricky didn't even tell me what colour he was putting in my hair till I got out of the shampoo chair and in front of the mirror. Greyish blue! I suppose they know me well enough to know that I won't mind too much about whatever colour goes into my hair... since I have tried almost every colour sensible (or not!) except probably pink =P

I guess from the picture everyone can tell I just got a trim and got more taken off on the left =) no jaw-dropping change in hairstyle like the last time =P Just another day I get my hair shampooed and cut and blow-dried and dyed (so at the moment there's greyish blue, black and brown in my hair)... mmmm... =) I don't know if I'll ever let my hair grow long again. I enjoy short hair too much. It's also nice to see that both Ricky and William really like doing their jobs. I hope I still have that love for my job when I'm older. Oh and William's a senior now... which means his hair-cuts would take you back RM100 O_o wah!

Hello people! It's been too long since the last time I posted.

So I've been bumming around in KL at my brother's expense and generally being a housewife and errand boy. Being is Vista does still give me a sense of home though... I mean it's been my home for about 3 years and everything about it is comfortable. Soon I shall be uprooted again and off to Auckland. I finally got my offer letter so now all I gotta do is get my visa done and get on that plane to the land where there's more sheep than people.

I should be going back to Brunei on the 3rd of Nov, after the much awaited silly meeting with someone from the university of Auckland on the 2nd. Hopefully all goes well.

I found a jacket that I really like in Zara. It's super kewl but I think it won't be enough to keep me warm. I look like a skinny white Kenny with the hood up. (the jacket's the puffy kind with metal clasps and a hood with furry trimmings)... but I suppose I could easily freeze in it's 100% nylon outershell, 100% polyester lining and filling and be a frozen iced marshmallow instead.

More when I actually feel like writing...

Isn't funny how there's always a phrase for everything like this one...

When you close a door, another door opens

I hate it when there's a fork in the road and choosing one will mean you don't get to see what happens with the other. I wish there was a save option, come back to this point and try the other way thingy. Rewind, here?, okay go on that other way.

It's annoying how closing doors, making decisions and closing off options is overwhelmingly scary and there's that chance that you'll regret choosing the road less taken or the road always taken or the road you didn't want to take in the first place or the road you thought you wanted... whatever. It sucks. Then at the point where it turns to regret you wish with all your heart you hadn't said this or hadn't done that or had said this or had done that. Always the same tape being played in your head, 'Stupid cow, ou're such a big mess. Now why you go and do that to yourself?' At that point I feel like running away and disappearing.


Problems always have this insiduous way of sneaking gradually up on you from behind, in front, from the sides, everywhere and then suddenly peaking at the worst of moments. One just has to admire how that keeps on being a recurring theme.

Time to sleep on everything. If I had to literally sleep on all my thoughts I'd need a bigger bed and a bigger blanket.